Learn video editing, unlock creativity and increase visibility for your business!

A totally free 3-day live workshop, let’s unlock your video creativity!

Sign up for The Editing Challenge

An Amazing Free 3 Day Live Workshop, let’s unlock your video creativity!

It will be all about how to:

Get rid of tech anxiety and learn to deal with and stop feeling intimidated by techsplainers

Boost your creativity and self confidence, by learning about the tools that could breathe life into that creativity fire of yours

Master video making and growing your business through the help of video making

Do any of these M resonate ?


You are tired of the fast talking tech guys on youtube when you’re just wants to quick solve a video making problem.


You are thinking video editing is techy, hard and killing your creativity.


You have all those video apps on your phone but frankly you never use them. It just seems so complicated and finicky to learn.


You want to edit your own videos for your business but you are feeling too busy learning video making, shooting and editing.

Your WORK SHOP LEADER, STina Fredenmark

Video Editing Coach and Course Creator

  • Masters in Media Communication and Video production.

  • Worked many years as a video editor and for the biggest tv station in Sweden as a news video editor for several years.

  • Founder of The Editing Coach Online and Filmlektik

  • Helped hundreds of students bring out their creativity and make their own videos

When I started my business as a video course creator and media consultant I helped lots of companies, schools and organisations with their video making for different platforms and purposes. In my work with clients (both men and women) I discovered that I wasn’t the only one feeling that making video was some sort of elevated complicated art, only for the self proclaimed video guys to take on. The rest of us, experts or not, shouldn’t concern ourselves with the art of video making at all.

Now I want you to create video content without caring about what others might think, where you make the decisions and edit whatever the hell you want! 

FOR SUPPORT OR QUESTIONS, PLEASE EMAIL US AT info@theheditingcoach.online