It’s time for you to rock video editing!


on YOUR OWN TERMS increasing visibility for your business?

Now is the time to breathe life into that creativity fire of yours, overcome tech anxiety and master video editing so that your business can thrive with the help of your own awesome videos.

You know it's there

You know it’s in there somewhere, that creativity that could take your business to another level with your own videos. And you know that the tech is in fact a tool for your creativity.

You have done it all

You’ve been taking action, investing in video courses and video editing apps. Watching tutorials online, asked for tips and tricks. And so much more.

You are ready!

And now you’re ready to shatter a glass ceiling and bring a whole new level of feeling confident in tech and proud of your ideas and creativity.

Do any of these resonate ?

  • You are thinking video editing is techy, hard and complicated to learn.

  • You have downloaded all those video apps on your phone but frankly you never use them.

  • You are tired of the fast talking tech guys on youtube when you’re just wants to quick solve a problem.

  • You hired some expensive “video-guy” that just techsplained your vision apart and you were right back on square one.

  • Sometimes you use a video function in some social media app but they are very limited when it comes to what you really want to create.

  • You could learn the free smartphone editing apps but… It just seems so complicated and finicky to learn.

  • You want to edit your own videos for your business but you are feeling too busy learning video editing with everything being an entrepreneur and business owner and maybe kids and family on top of that.

My story

I love video editing and I’ve always loved video making. When I understood that I could actually make my own film I was 7 yers old and my mom who was a teacher brought home a videocamera that she used in the education. I imedially got all those great ideas go films that wanted to make, the possibilities was endless!

For a couple of years I was working at the biggest tvstation in sweden as an newsvideoeditor for the evening and morning news. I come from an four year university education in Media Communication and Culture and had worked at an telephone sales company for half year. When I got this job at this big mediahouse I was nervous and exited but I thought I had the skills and competence to execute the work tasks as a video editor.

There were so many guys at this place telling me how things should be and be done, both reporters, photographers , video editors, graphics, editors and so on I started to doubt myself and my competence and even on a deeper level. I started to think that I was a lesser person than anyone in the workplace and my passion and creativity for video editing was about to fade out totally.

I thought that if I would learn all the things mentioned by the guys at the workplace I could finally call myself a true video maker and the techsplaining would stop for good. If I could just get all the knowledge no-one was going to tell me how I should do it..

I searched the internet and all I seem to find are those yelling youtube-guys about video editing and different cameras and special effects and stuff. They just make me feel even more alienated and made me loose even more of my creativity, curiosity and will to evolve as a video editor.

Until one day when I suddenly realized that my creativity had disappeared in the pursuit of creating videos that entitled techsplainers would approve of. 

That’s when I started to film and edit exactly want and how I wanted to, without thinking of what some techsplainer would think about my videos.

What I didn’t see back then was that this workplace was all about competition and that everyone was competing against everyone, there was no room for creativity or encouragement in this place. I also didn’t se that I did a hell of a job as a fast, competent and skilled newsvideoeditor, that I understood later.

Then I started my business as a video course creator and media consultant and I helped lots of companies, schools and organisations with their video making for different platforms and purposes. In my work with clients (both men and women)

I discovered that I was not the only one feeling that making video was some sort of an elevated complicated art. An art only for the self-proclaimed video guys to take on. The rest of us (video experts or not) would not concern ourselves with the art of video at all.

Not so long ago I did a video project just for fun! I filmed places in my hometown and edited them with music and added historical facts. Then I posted them on Facebook and there were so many positive comments and cheers!

Now I want for you to make video content and don’t care about what others will think, where you make the decisions and edit what the hell you want! 

Welcome to The Editing Coach

/ Stina

As Seen On...

What would your creative life look like it you could breath life into that creativity fire of yours?

Welcome to CUT LOOSE™

Edit your videos with passion and creativity whiteout thinking a second of what others think about your videos.

This is not just an ordinary course in video editing, yes you will learn video editing software. But getting this skills to real use means that you have to let your creativity out and block out what others think of how you tell your story. And your story and how you tell it is very important, it has to be genuine and the only way is to unblock whatever hinders your creativity.

The is a program/course that offers both the technical editing skill as the support and coaching to overcome whatever creativity block you have.

I have something to tell you. When you

  • Get rid of tech anxiety and learn to deal with and stop feeling intimidated by techsplainers;

  • Unlock your self confidence, increase your self respect and integrity by bringing out your passion and feel aligned with what you do;

  • Master video editing and growing your business with the help of videos you filmed and edited yourself. All that while enjoying the creative process and feeling proud of the result;

It will boost that creative fire in you in so many ways you didn't thought was possible.

Let's dive in...


Overcome Tech Anxiety

Get rid of tech anxiety and learn to deal with and stop feeling intimidated by techsplainers. Tech anxiety can have a major impact on your performance and result in burnout. It effects your ability to prioritise, leading to overwhelming amounts of work which can lead to a feeling of hopelessness. No more of that from now on!


• Realising tech is just a tool for your creativity

• Manage and get rid of techsplainers

• Choosing the more advanced tech alternative

• Learning by trial and error

• Breaking the rules

Unlock Your Self Confidence

In this part you’ll get the tools to unlock your self confidence, increase your self respect and integrity by bringing out your passion and feel aligned with what you do. Then it will be much easier charging what you are worth, guard your extremely valuable time and avoid burn-out in the long run.


• Regulate stress and emotions

• Mindfulness and Wise Mind

• Self-worth

• Boosting yourself with self validation

• Setting boundaries

• Feeling competent and motivated

• Being yourself

• Charging what you are worth

Master Video Making

You will master video editing and growing your business with the help of videos you filmed and edited yourself. All that while enjoying the creative process and feeling proud of the result. This part of the program is about taking control of the tech once and for all and make it a tool for your creativity.


• Planning

• Recording

• Editing

• Publishing

• Practicing

Let's boost your creativity

Get ready to create videos you will feel proud of


Get ready for an intense eight week boot camp with exercises, group and individual coaching calls to boost your confidence and evolve your creativity. Become a creative self-determined video creator in just one month.


Get access to both my courses Bring Out Your Inner Video Pro and Evolve Your Inner Video Pro at no extra charge. You'll even get access to all my amazing bonus material to help guide you through the video production process.

Use this material to Keep Evolving your creativity after the boot camp.


Get access to a community of creative self-determined women editing fantastic videos. Share your experiences, ask questions and recieve support in a community of like-minded creators.

You'll navigate video making effortlessly and you'll become techsplainerproof

Introduce the Case Studies

Case Study 1

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea

Case Study 2

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea

Case Study 3

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea

Case Study 4

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea

Are you ready?

Call to Action and Apply Now

What They Are Saying

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget nisl blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Sed egestas leo nulla, eget ultricies ex finibus ac. Nullam et dui congue, congue urna in, sollicitudin est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget nisl blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Sed egestas leo nulla, eget ultricies ex finibus ac. Nullam et dui congue, congue urna in, sollicitudin est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget nisl blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Sed egestas leo nulla, eget ultricies ex finibus ac. Nullam et dui congue, congue urna in, sollicitudin est.

Summarize what sort of transformation happened BECAUSE of your offer.

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they've used your product.

If you are ambitious and ready to let your creativity out and make videos that will make your business thrive, join the self-determined women in Cut Loose!


Marika, choreographer and dance teacher

Superb individually planned course, professional layout and good guidance through the course. We were able to quickly work through things I already knew and stop at question marks or things I needed to repeat. Very rewarding!

Lizette, video editor

The course leader is very nice and is very attentive during the course. Accepts questions and explains well. Very good course!

Katarina, professor

Searched for a course to get the basics and be able to get started with my own filming for professional use. Thanks! I will come back when I need to replenish and take the next step in my film development.

Call to Action to Fill out an Application + Stack What's Included

Main Offering Review

Main Offering Review

Main Offering Review

Main Offering Review

Plus You Get This Help Too

Plus You Get This Help Too

Plus You Get This Help Too

Plus You Get This Help Too

Summarize the benefits, the value of the bonuses and
explain that the offer is so irresistible compared to the price!